Financial Coaching

JT Foxx – Busting 3 Common Myths About Wealth Coach JT Foxx

JT Foxx is not fake
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JT Foxx is widely recognized when introduced on stage or in the media as the world’s number 1 wealth coach. His different coaching organizations has widely been revered by the world’s top organizations. Of course, with all of this fame and success he’s accumulated, people will always find ways to bring this person down. Nonetheless, the purpose of this article is to help clear out some of the rumors about JT Foxx.


What Makes JT Foxx The World’s #1 Wealth Coach?


To start, JT Foxx does business and speaks in more than 40 countries. He also has clients in 52 countries and command some of the highest coaching fees worldwide. Furthermore, he also speaks in front of a large crowd, the ones who introduced him as the world’s #1 wealth coach. The media he’s been featured in, namely in CNBC, Forbes, Entrepreneur and GQ, have all stated that he is known to be the world’s number 1 wealth coach.


For people who are claiming that he’s a self-proclaimed number 1 wealth coach, these facts speak for themselves.


Does JT Foxx Pay For Celebrities To Visit His Events?


The answer to that question, yes, he does pay for celebrities to come to his events. No one ever works for free, and neither does this guy. However, the only difference is that, unlike most instances where stars come and go, never to be seen or spoken to again, but he did build a lasting relationship with these celebrities.


He constantly communicates by phone, text or in person. This leads to a relationship and friendship, and a lot of them end up visiting his house. The reason Foxx became friends with these celebrities because he doesn’t pester them or ask for anything in return. It’s a fact that charities pay celebrities to come to their events, so does companies for their corporate functions so they can help brand it as well.


Does He Own Over 50 Companies and Brands?


The answer to this would be a big yes! As an American citizen, people have the tendency to sue people for absolutely no reason, especially the successful people. As a result, Foxx has an extremely complicated global asset protection strategy to help keep those people who sue for no reason away. Only Foxx’s lawyers can truly explain this in full detail.


The only people who are determined to know about everything do so strictly for the purpose of taking Foxx down so they can say that Foxx doesn’t own anything. If Foxx reveals every company he owned, you would probably think it would appease non-believers, right? Well that’s not the case here.


If Foxx would reveal his companies, which majority of most companies do, they would ask to move on and ask Foxx if these companies are making money. Of course, they do. However, no answer will satisfy the haters until they can finally see “gotcha!” because that’s exactly what they want to hear.


So there we have it, this JT Foxx Reviews will help clear some of the wrong assumptions about JT Foxx.

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